BIOROCK-S + 3000 liters primary tank +pumping to an existing soakaway in Estonia

BIOROCK-S + 3000 liters primary tank +pumping to an existing soakaway in Estonia

Capacity :

6 PE

Technical description:

The soil in this area is heavy and wet, and the old septic tank was suffering from surface water ingress from a nearby yard.  The installation of a new infiltration area was not possible because of high ground water.

The BIOROCK on-site wastewater treatment plant is composed of a BIOROCK ST-1-3000 Primary Tank, a BIOROCK-S Treatment Unit and a pumping kit. The treated effluent is discharged above-ground using a pump then diverted to a local existing soak-away in a field above the house.

¿Quieres ponerte en contacto con nosotros?

Hola, soy José Manuel Rodríguez , International Sales Director de BIOROCK. Póngase en contacto con nosotros ahora para una evaluación de proyecto GRATUITA.

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